I keep promising to get caught up here and then never find the time. There’s a good reason for that — I promise. I haven’t wanted to talk about it online at all because of the complex nature of the situation, but my RRHB and I are going to have a Rock and Roll Baby (RRBB) in November. It’s a high risk, complicated pregnancy because of the disease but so far we’re both doing just fine. But it means I’ve had very little energy for the last few months and will probably continue to be exhausted until RRBB makes his/her entrance in about six weeks. I have, however, been reading.

I’m through #43, #44, #45, which were the next three Sookie Stackhouse novels, Living Dead in Dallas, Club Dead and Dead to the World. I’m halfway through Dead as a Doornail. It’s perfect reading for sitting and waiting in doctor’s offices, and for commuting, which is what I’ve been doing. I’m finding more and more that I enjoy the TV series so much more than the books, but as far as fluff goes, you simply have to look beyond the absurd nature of these stories and just allow yourself to get sucked in. Although, I will admit that I rolled my eyes at the appearance of a pirate in the one I’m reading now. A PIRATE. Yawn.

#45.5 The Coke Machine
Because I’m not finished this book, and I hate writing about books before I’m done, I’m not going to say too, too much except that I’m finding some of the information within truly shocking. When I was reading the book in bed (I was feeling very unwell a couple of Thursdays ago). I kept yelling out to my RRHB, “Did you know THIS!” and repeating some absurd fact about the company, the way it runs its business and how shocking it all is. Makes me never want to a) drink a Coke (not that I do anyway), b) drink a Vitamin Water (although I’ll reserve that for a treat at the movies; it’s essentially pop anyway. POP!) and c) ever drink any kind of bottled water. Anyway, I’d highly recommend this book and I’ve only read 35% so far (I’m reading it through my Kindle app on my iPad).

#46 – The Comforters by Muriel Spark
We read this for my book club, The Vicious Circle, and I’m simply linking to Kerry Clare’s notes about our meeting. She sums it up beautifully and I can’t say any more wonderful things about the brilliant group of reading women I get to sit down with once a month. They’re spectacular book people. Oh hell, they’re just spectacular in general.

I have one more book I want to blog about but I’m going to give it its own entry, Damon Galgut’s In a Strange Room.

8 thoughts on “It’s OCTOBER?”

  1. Congratulations!!!! I'm so excited that a little RRBB will be arriving so soon. Good luck with everything 🙂

  2. I can't wait for RRBB to make an appearance…but not until it's closer to your due date. I hope that things go smoothly for you over remaining six weeks.

  3. oh wow, great secret keeping. Congratulations.

    The coke book sounds interesting. Ours is a coke family tried, tested and true. Will keep and eye out for it.

  4. Oh my gosh ! Congratulations to you and hubby and of course RRBB who will be definitely making your life as you know it a whole lot busier in the near future !

    Don't worry, the tiredness eventually goes away and replaces itself with exhaustion, and that only goes away once they move away from home to go to university…

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