I Had The (Worst) Time Of My Life

It all started off so well. My dad surprised me at the cottage. My RRHB’s van broke down so the tour was cancelled. Plenty of people were around for my birthday and I had managed a delicious dinner with veggies and herbs from my Recession Garden. And then it all went way, way down hill from there. I’m unwell, so here’s the list, and here’s a warning that it’s a little graphic:

1. I started throwing up at about 10 PM. We were up at my aunt’s cottage, the elder generation imbibing, and I went back to my grandmother’s cottage because I was feeling so unwell. And then I couldn’t stop throwing up. My brother took me to the Campbellford hospital around midnight, and I spent many hours barfing and being in massive amounts of pain. They couldn’t figure out what’s wrong: ran some blood tests, did an x-ray, and made me feel a bit better by the time I left. 

2. We got home from the cottage (on my actual birthday) and everything started up again, well, actually, I didn’t barf again, so that was something. But I have never experienced that much pain in my life. Not when my tragic hip was acting up, not when I had hip surgery, nothing was like the pain in my stomach. It lasted all night.

3. The next morning my RRHB called our family doctor, whose offices are at Toronto Western. She saw us for about 30 seconds before she sent us down to Emergency.

4. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. While we waited almost three hours to make it to the “Rapid Assessment Zone.” The ER doc called my Super-Fancy Disease Doctor who also works out of the Western. He told them to do a CT scan. That’s when they discovered that my appendix had ruptured. Numerous doctors came by then: my SFDD, a few interns, a different ER doc and a surgical intern who told me they don’t usually operate once the appendix has already ruptured; they treat you with antibiotics and see how you do. That’s when I asked for more morphine.

5. The actual surgeon came to see me and said with the Wegener’s being active and with the suppression of my immune system, they can’t leave the organ in my body. So, surgery is back on. 

6. Surgery is scheduled for “as soon as possible.” They prep. I pee. And have more morphine. My RRHB calls our loved ones and let’s everyone know what’s going on. 

7. I go under the knife at about 9 PM on Monday night. The day after my birthday. I never like waking up from anesthetic. Oxygen up the nose and three incisions are my presents. 

8. The next morning the surgical team comes by to see me. He’s excited: “Your appendix was BLACK! BLACK!” There was some pus on my liver and leakage all over my bladder. This was what was causing the pain. When the head surgeon came to see me later on that evening, she said that my organ was “terrible.” That it had actually turned gangrenous, built a wall around itself, but was leaking, and the pain not being in the typical place confused everyone. What saved my life? My SFDD telling them to get a CT scan. That’s why he’s SFDD. 

9. I spend a miserable night in hospital next to a snoring and painfully uncomfortable old guy and get no sleep.

10. They send me home (it’s now Wednesday) and it’s marvelous to be not in the hospital. I’m bloated, in pain, and myriad other things but at least I can watch TV and walk around when I feel like it.

Happy birthday to me.

12 thoughts on “I Had The (Worst) Time Of My Life”

  1. oh my gosh, not the best way to spend your birthday. So sorry that you had to go through all that. I'll be sending get well vibes your way.

  2. It sounds truly dreadful. I'm so glad that the doctors figured it out and you're on your way to well. I'll be thinking good thoughts for your rapid recovery.

  3. I'm happy to hear that you're getting better – that would NOT have been a fun thing to go through. Happy to hear you're okay. You're in my thoughts!

  4. as I read it I thought… ah yes, sounds familiar. I had exact same thing two years ago. Mine had burst. In fact, contrary to what you were told about antibiotics, once it's ruptured, you're in serious danger of developing complications from the rotting flesh left behind so operating is 99% essential or you die. At least that's what I was told.

    Mine had burst too. I spent a week in hospital and three weeks in recovery it knocked me out so much.

    Great to know that if ever I have a hip problem, it won't be as bad as my appendicitis!

    You'll be fine!

  5. Just found out about this via Twitter. I'm so sorry you are going through this! I am thinking of you, and am sending good healthy vibes your way, as I am sure all of your countless friends are doing.

  6. I am so sorry to hear about all of the stuff you've been going through! I'm sure that it makes you want to kick something….hard!!!

    Hoping you're feeling better soon and that you get some relaxing reading done while you're recovering!

  7. Mine burst just before the surgery; ended up with infected incision; spent two weeks in hospital, mostly in isolation, visitors had to wear gowns. But that was in 1971 (I know, I know, you weren't born then, right?). I probably woulda been sent home same day now.

  8. Get well soon-I need to read about what you're reading. The reading challenges you give yourself are fun to follow.
    Also, I don't think I've ever read a blog that that is as open and honest as yours. You write in a truly unique voice. Your own. Good wishes.

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