Goodness, Sad Films Much?

Perhaps not the best way to stave off impending gloom and doom would be to watch two of the most depressing films I’ve ever seen: Then She Found Me (Helen Hunt’s directorial debut) and Snow Angels. The first finds its 39-year-old heroine finally enjoying a bit of happiness, a new marriage, a quest for a child, and a solid career as a teacher until one night when it all comes tumbling down around her. The only light at the end of the tunnel is a new relationship with a semi-psychotic fellow played by Colin Firth. There’s a lot of yelling and stupid decisions in the film, which isn’t entirely terrible, and I do adore any bit of Bette Midler. When she arrives to inject even more trouble into April’s (Helen Hunt) life, there’s a least a bit of a “light at the end of the tunnel” feeling to the picture. Annnywaaay, it’s a truly sad film, even if it does have a somewhat happy ending. And as EW pointed out, it’s nice to see a woman naturally age on film, even if Hunt’s playing down her looks to accentuate the dowdy, downtrodden nature of her character.

So, let’s add an even sadder chaser to the mix: Snow Angels. Kate Beckinsale and Sam Rockwell play a couple that have seen better times and are now separated. Whether it’s his drinking problem or his truly irritating use of scripture that split them up, it’s irrelevant because no matter how hard he tries, they’re certainly not getting back together. When tragedy (see, similar themes!) strikes, the two fall even further apart until the film comes to its ridiculous conclusion. To be honest, it was a bit too long too, as I kept falling asleep toward the end. And so dire. And dark. And bewildering. And kind of ridiculous.

But goodness, despite great performances all around, I wouldn’t suggest watching these two films in such close proximity to one another while you’re alone for the weekend and can barely make it out of your pajamas. Thank Mother Earth for gardening is all I have to say or I wouldn’t have left the house once all weekend.

One thought on “Goodness, Sad Films Much?”

  1. Thanks for the book return information. I hadn’t ever thought of contacting the publisher. I was so adament about telling the Target employee it was not put together properly to help another avid reader avoid that aggravation.

    Your blog looks fabulous…dont’ mind me as I cruise around for awhile.

    The movie “Snow Angels” is a fantastic book. Better book than movie. I loved the book infact. I also saw the movie and it was so much darker and stark to me.

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