"Sunshine Makes Me High"

A young girl exiting the Yonge/Bloor subway stop had that on her t-shirt, and it kind of made my day. She might have been a serious wacko but I preferred to envision her as a young, delightful woman who truly sees the value in a beautiful day.

Other things I am thankful for today:

1. Bike lanes: It may be like the Daytona 500 within the thin white stripe, but it sure beats battling giant SUVs and maniacs on cell phones outside the lines.

2. Swearing: Does this need any explanation?

3. Tish Cohen’s Town House: Such a delightful book to be reading yesterday in the early evening.

4. The end of the television season: The pressure, oh the pressure, of keeping up with all the shows. It was just too much. Now I’m glad that it’ll be a good few months before the serious dramas start and we can mindlessly wile away the hours watching the spectacle of So You Think You Can Dance. Awe-some.

5. My RRHB: For doing all of the chores so I could write all day yesterday. And, do you know what, I did! I managed to send 31 pages to my mentor and have approximately 80 pages of the second draft of my extra long story.

6. Dance class: I don’t care that it’s a beginner class. I don’t care that sometimes I get the steps wrong and am the chubbiest girl in the room. The teacher is wonderful and the class is just so much fun.

7. Organic chocolate: Again, does this really need an explanation?

8. The word “sigh”: It says so much in an email.

9. Facebook: I am obsessed; some people I love getting in touch with, others, meh, but it sure makes your inbox look busy considering they send you an email for just about everything. It might get tired, but for this week, I’m still chilling with my pokes, my peeps, and my photo albums.

10. Lesley C.’s University of Guelph Sweatshirt: I’ve had it for over 10 years now and really should return it but it’s the most comfortable piece of clothing I (sort of) own. I wore it all day yesterday and I think it was part of the reason I got so much done. That and the RRHB was ill so he hogged the TV all day so I couldn’t procrastinate by watching Step Up AGAIN even after I totally made him watch it with me on Saturday night. So deliciously bad—you can’t even know.

5 thoughts on “"Sunshine Makes Me High"”

  1. What a wonderful list to make.
    What am I thankful for right now? That my sons are all home and that the youngest is playing Pachelbel’s Canon in D downstairs. It sounds beautiful.

  2. I had to really think for a minute about what SYTYCD was — HA!

    Well, I have to admit that last year it was RRHB’s favourite show to watch –he was slightly obsessed, and now I’m hooked.

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