My Days As Band Widow Part Next

So, the RRHB has been away for the past week. Usually, when he’s away, I bury myself in the house, but this week has been different. Here’s a breakdown:

1. I’ve been eating like Lorelai Gilmore, which includes toaster waffles, homemade pizza and things I can cook in the microwave.

2. The girlie factor reached a new peak when I went to a delightful birthday party at MAC cosmetics on Bloor Street. I learned how to do a ‘smoky’ eye and bought a lot of makeup.

3. Yesterday I watched really cheesy movies on W Network, faux-voed so I didn’t have to watch the commercials: One Fine Day and Out of Sight. I think it was George Clooney night or something. Shockingly, they were my best options when Cars is the feature on TMN. And this is the epitome of lazy: the last thing I felt like doing today was bringing movies back to the video store. Who has the time to do that?

4. That was the first night I had actually been home. This week has been crazy: book launches, pilates, dance class, birthday party, more yoga, a bit of shopping. I think I collapsed on the couch and didn’t move until I went to bed last night and slept until NOON today. I never do that. Ever.

5. Today I’ve got a lot of writing work to do but not before I make the house presentable. When all you do is come home, dump your stuff, and go to sleep before heading off to work and/or social events the next day, things start to get out of control. The clothes chair is about to collapse.

6. Apparently, I got things so wrong with my Hot Docs reviews. The Swaziland documentary, Without the King, which was mediocre at best, won a Special Jury Prize. Oops. And the director of Forever, Heddy Honigmann, was given an Outstanding Achievement Award, with her work featured in a retrospective throughout the festival. Even the RRHB who is a huge documentary watcher thought Forever was boring as all get out, but heck, maybe my lesson from all this is that I’m not a documentary reviewer. Who knows? Congratulations to all the winners.

7. I ate a bit of sugar yesterday for the first time since giving it up in February. I honestly thought I might have been on drugs—it was crazy. I’ll probably not try that again. I feel so much better when not eating sugar (well, not white sugar, I’ve been eating maple syrup and all natural sugars), that I’m probably going to stick with it for at least the next few months.

8. I remembered to take my needle. Generally, the RRHB hounds me because I forget and just wouldn’t do it. See, I can act like a grown up, I can!

9. Despite all of my efforts, I have managed to save a lot of the television shows we watch together for when he gets back tomorrow night. Even though it’s the season finale of 30 Rock, it’s still sitting there, waiting for its cherry to be popped and it’s taking a lot of will power. Going a week without Liz Lemon, it hurts. It does.

10. Did I mention I slept until NOON today. Absolutely strange. Okay, back to listening to all my music, cleaning the house at my pace and doing a lot of writing this afternoon because I need to get my pages to my mentor by the end of next weekend.

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