
Things happen in threes. At least that’s what my life has taught me. And here goes the three things that happened in the last few days:

1. I dropped an envelope with $1000.00 in it on our garage floor. Not only was this renovating money to pay a contractor but it was was a THOUSAND dollars. A lot of money by anyone’s standards, I forgot the envelope was on my lap and totally blanked as I left the car last Thursday night after the RRHB and I went to see a performance of Susie Burpee’s The Spinster’s Almanac (which I enjoyed, but especially enjoyed because of Christine Fellows hauntingly beautiful and bird-centric music).

2. I fell down the stairs at work coming out of our building. Landed totally on my face. I fell so hard that a fellow who was trying nonchalantly to eat his street meat hot dog inside and away from the brewing storm, shouted, “Oh my god are you okay?”, promptly transferred said dog to the other hand, and tried to help me up. I couldn’t even look at him I was so embarrassed. If only my life was a chick lit book and I wasn’t already married…

3. On Saturday night, while out with said RRHB and some friends from high school, I fell off my chair. And now, my tailbone hurts so much that it’s actually causing me to feel nauseous. It hurt a bit yesterday but nothing like today when just sitting in my chair at work makes me want to pass out. Ouuuuchhhh.


The adventures of Ragdoll indeed.

4 thoughts on “Ouch”

  1. Good grief! You are certainly hard on yourself!

    When you say you mean the garage floor do you mean the one at your house? Or like a parking garage?

  2. Did you find the $1000.00?

    And, oh, your tailbone – take care. If the pain makes you want to pass out, perhaps some time off work is called for??

    And how’s your face after your face-plant?

    Geez. Bad things come in threes, right? Hopefully, you’re done for awhile.

  3. Oh, yes, my husband found the $1000.00. It was on the floor of our locked garage, thankfully.

    Face is fine and back is much better. I’ve never had any pain in my back, and now that I have, I can imagine what all of you go through that do have back troubles. Man, am I sorry!

    It’s feeling much better today. Thanks for all the kind thoughts!

  4. Oh, thank God you recovered the money. I didn’t want to ask.

    Have I ever told you about the time I did the same thing, except it was our PASSPORTS in my lap, and I dropped them in the parking lot of A WENDY’S BESIDE THE QEW?! We all have tough weeks sometimes.

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