Friday Musings

1. I do honestly know the difference between “forth” and “fourth” but it seems the typo was up on the site for, like, two days before I even noticed that I had spelled it wrong. And it’s still in the perma-url. Oh well.

2. Well, I might have to break up with Grey’s Anatomy. I simply can’t take the emotional pressure and/or over the top, everybody dying, heartwrenching stuff that happens every single bloody week. Could someone, anyone, please a) not die, b) not break up, make up, make out, or whine and c) not have something absolutely tragic like an abortion happen to them? Please, just one week where I’m not waking up with giant, red, puffy eyes from bawling about the damn show saying to my RRHB, “I c-c-c-can’t watch this show anymore.” Sigh.

3. Some crazy dude is stalking Edgar Allen Poe’s grave. Now there’s a slasher film in the making…and would that be a first, a literary-stalker inspired horror movie? Please educate me if I’m wrong.

4. I had an Office moment when I sent out Linked In notes to a whole bunch of people I didn’t mean to. Kind of like when Michael sent out that email with him and Jan in it to, like, his entire company. Yeah, it was like that. But it all turned out okay, I made a lot of new connections.

5. There’s snow on the ground in Toronto, and it’s cold, but it doesn’t matter because at long last I have a brand-new winter coat. And it’s lovely. And warm. And lovely. And did I mention it’s warm? It’s so snuggly that my RRHB says it looks like I’m wearing a sleeping bag. Isn’t that awesome?

2 thoughts on “Friday Musings”

  1. Ryan Seacrest, of ‘American Idol’ fame…or in-fame, said last night on CNN, giving his side of making fun of handicapped people, as if there is another side to that issue, that public figures, especially those doing live shows, can go back over their work and ask themselves if they could really, really have said that, that they just have to go on.

    Re ‘fourth’ vs ‘forth’: Forgive yourself. Go in peace, precious Ragdoll.

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