Books Are In My Blood

As if I didn’t know that already, but yesterday, when I should have been editing my latest Classic Starts, I got sucked into doing some ancestral research. When I was in Vancouver visiting my aunt and uncle in November, we were talking about the history of the family, a familiar topic, when it was mentioned in passing that my great-great grandfather was a publisher in London. Now, a publisher of what or when exactly, not to mention whether he worked for someone else or for himself, has still yet to be discovered.

However, I did find some fascinating things. His grandfather, John Mardon, was a Bookseller (as listed in the 1841 census) in St. Sepulchre, or at least that’s the parish where he lived when the census was taken. Now, I got to thinking that he too must have published books because, well, if you sold them back then most likely you published as well, and low and behold, here, I’ve found what I think must be a pamphlet he either published or distributed in 1833.

Now, it’s only 50 pounds, so I might buy it, but honestly, how cool is that?

6 thoughts on “Books Are In My Blood”

  1. Buy it! I would.

    BTW. For that link, I had to add www. at the beginning to make it work. Maybe it’s just my computer?

  2. How fascinating! My own favourite genealogical detail so far uncovered in my family research is that one of my great great great grandfathers was a phrenologist…

  3. That is SO EXCITING!! Buy it, for sure! I do so love hearing stories like that.

    My mom’s been doing a lot of genealogical research of her family, and she’s found a great uncle who wrote about about training horses, I believe. She spent the cash to get a copy of the book of course! I can’t wait to see it!

    In the long run, I think these sort of biblio-connections are priceless.

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