The Money Books (#s 46, 47)

For those of you who know the real me, the non-virtual Deanna, you know that I’m a worrier. I fret a lot. I spend a lot of sleepless nights pondering things as random as why I’m so obsessed with True Blood this season and how on earth I’m ever going to finish the book I’ve been writing the last few years. A recurring theme in my sleepless nights is listmaking. I find that if I get up and write down a list of all the things I can actually do to assuage whatever is bothering me at that moment, I can actually get some sleep. One of the main things I consistently write down has to do with money: paying bills, managing accounts, moving things around, and debt.

Debt and I have quite a history together. For years I thought of debt as free money. I thought of credit cards as a means of filling in the gaps. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t really taught proper money management as a kid (and that’s not the fault of my parents; it just wasn’t something we discussed and then there was a lot of tragedy that sort of took over…). I was in my early 20s when I truly started to understand how money works. And with that understanding came a glimpse of a day when I wouldn’t have to worry about it all the time. I learned that it’s not just important to be in control of your financial situation but it’s also necessary to understand the true cost of things.

So, over the years I’ve read a number of money-related books: Suze Orman, David Bach, and many, many more. These books all pretty much say the same thing: buy a house, keep up with extra mortgage payments, invest wisely, blah de freaking blah. It’s the same advice packaged in fancier ways: Women and money. Going green and your money. Getting married and your money. Yawn.

I didn’t need any more “whys.” What I needed were “hows.” Enter Kerry K. Taylor‘s excellent 397 Ways to Save Money. When I read this book in manuscript form before we published it, I honestly sat at my desk, skipped lunch, and then wrote an exuberant note to her editor about how smart and savvy I thought it was. It’s a little bit of the “whys” but it’s mainly pages upon pages of good tips about how to save money. How and when to reduce, reuse and recycle. How to shop smarter. How to make your resources stretch further and longer so that you aren’t looking down the barrel of double and triple-digit credit card debt month after month.

Then I learned we were publishing a book called Debt-Free Forever by Gail Vaz-Oxlade. I’d never heard of her nor had I watched ‘Til Debt Do Us Part (both situations I have now rectified). I read it, too, in manuscript form and am only going to say that it’s changed my outlook entirely on budgeting (always thought it was more trouble than it’s worth) and living within your means (what’s the difference if all the bills get paid anyway).

I’ve also been doing a lot of thinking about money in general and what it means to my life. Truly, it’s a means to an end; it’s a way for us to finish the house but, it, inherently, doesn’t have any value. What do I mean? Well, it’s not worth fighting over. It’s not worth worrying over, and it’s certainly not worth killing yourself (or others) for. Over the course of my reading, I’m going to share some of the “revolutions” I’m trying to make over the next little while. Again, if I share the list, I’m going to stick to it, right?

1. Use what I buy. Like so many people who work above a Shopper’s Drug Mart and down the street from Sephora and Holt Renfrew, I’ve got cupboards full of make up, creams, gift baskets, foot massagers, shampoos, etc. I keep buying more and more — it’s on sale, I’m there, I like the smell, and I used them, but our shower’s all clogged up with half-empty plastic (natch) bottles. I’ve vowed to use up every single last bit of something before buying something new. That includes all the samples I’ve been saving for goodness knows what and the umpteen travel kits I’ve bought from Dermologica over the years. Good for the environment and good for the wallet. Although if you see me wandering around with fuzzy, dried out hair and clumpy mascara, you know why.

2. Use up my gift certificates. I don’t know why I hoard these things but I do. I think that it’s not a good idea to spend them so I’ve got them tucked away into all corners of things. Redeem all my points for more certificates and use up those too? The best thing I’ve done? Cash in HBC rewards points for MAC makeup and Levi’s jeans. Oh, and a new coffee maker for the cottage. All FREE. Well, sort of free because we have so many points from renovation costs that we’ve cashed in on HBC gift certificates. Um, also, did you know you can use your AirMiles points for a TTC pass? Yeah, that’s what I’m doing in October…

3. Wear what I buy. See #1 above. This one’s harder because I’ve lost a pile of weight due to the almost-dying appendicitis nightmare and none of my clothes fit. Like, none of them. It’s a good thing I own some belts.

4. Use cash. I’ve put my RRHB and I on a budget that we’re going to try to stick to over the next few months while we try to make a pile of payments on the renovation debt. It’s not easy. And it’s not something we’ve EVER done before.

5. Engage in some serious staycation activities. We did some of this at the cottage the other weekend when we went to Petroglyphs Provincial Park. Even though gas isn’t cheap, I put a little extra in our transportation budget so we can take advantage of fun things we can do within driving distance. Also, we’re lucky because we have a cottage. That doesn’t mean we won’t take a vacation, it just means that we’ll be finding some new and interesting things to do that don’t involve spending $100.00 at the movies. This will be hard. I love to go to the movies.

6. Garden more. Both indoors and out. It’s hard to do during the winter, I know, but I’m already planning our garden for next spring/summer because we ate so much of our own homegrown food this year that makes the effort worth it. What I won’t do? Spend obsessive amounts of money on more and more seeds.

7. Pay all our bills on time, including our taxes. I’m usually pretty good at this but tend to let the taxes drift and drift and drift…

8. Take care of the important but really boring things like RRSPs, wills and other financial planning. I always put these off as “oh, I’ll get around to it one day.”

9. Try to find ways to write more for me. This isn’t necessarily money-related but it does go to the whole idea of the true cost of the things in your life. The more I write the more potential I have for becoming a “real” writer one day. The more I write the less it becomes a hobby and more the job that I’ve always wanted it to be.

10. Become more crafty. And not how the Beastie Boys meant it. But more like discovering the girl that grew up making pinecone decorations and sewing. This will also be hard. I feel as though I am terribly untalented in the crafty areas. It’s not a skill I inherited from my truly crafty and wonderfully creative mother.

#45 – The Last Summer (of You & Me)

Before I review Ann Brashares first adult novel (she’s the author of the uber-lovely Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series), I’m going to make a confession. This book made me cry. Big, crocodile tears that caused my RRHB to put his hand on my shoulder and ask if I was okay as I was reading in bed. I was sobbing. Sniffling, snorting, bawling. Except I’m not really sure why. For the most part, the novel itself was utterly predictable, the characters were a little one-dimensional, and the story never truly resonates like her previous series.

Two sisters, Alice and Riley, have spent their summers (for their entire lives) on a tiny island off the coast of New York. Fire Island might be where they spend the warm months but for Riley and Alice, like so many Canadian kids who grew up at cottages (like me), it’s where their whole world starts and ends. Their collective best friend Paul (he’s Riley’s age; Alice is younger) lives next door. He’s slightly troubled with a crazy mother, a pile of money from his rich grandparents, and a heart that seemingly always lands in the right place. So when Paul comes back to the island to spend the summer after he’s finished university, everything changes. And the relationship between the three of them will never be the same again when the cold weather rolls in.

But it’s not just growing up that changes their relationship, it’s tragedy. Unpredictable, yet honestly a little too twee, the plot feels too contrived to make a great impact on me as a reader. Even if Brashares can write emotion like few others, the novel doesn’t feel adult, it still feels on the cusp of YA. It has predictable situations that are written with deep feeling and characters who wear their hearts on their sleeves only after a little prodding. Alice and Riley, despite their differences, felt a little too much like characters, if that makes any sense. They’re too polar opposite, trying too hard to be “distinct,” and, in ways, just a little too perfect despite everything that happens to them. There’s everything and the kitchen sink in this novel, issue piled upon issue, so you feel a little like you’re watching a movie of the week. 

It might seem like I’m being overly critical. Maybe I am. Yet, despite all of my criticisms, let me just say again, when it came to the tragic bits, I ended up with giant, salty tears falling down my sweet cheeks. Now that’s got to count for something. 

#44 – Dark Places

There’s a certain macabre element to Gillian Flynn’s writing that I can appreciate. Yes, it scares the crap out of me (but I am easily frightened). Yes, it seems a little overtly horrific at times. But, overall, they’re solid thrillers that camp more in the David Fincher and Mo Hayder side of the genre than say the Law and Order and Alexander McCall Smith side. Her latest novel, Dark Places, climbs into just that, both metaphorically and literally. 

Libby Day survives one of the most brutal crimes ever to take place in Kinnakee, Kansas. She’s just seven when her mother and two sisters are murdered (in cold blood, yes, indeed) late one winter night. Dashing from the house after taking refuge in her mother’s bedroom, Libby hides from her brother Ben, the only other survivor, when he comes calling for her. Based on her own fuzzy recollections, Ben is convicted of the murders and has spent the past 25 years in jail. 

Bittersweet and slightly morose, Libby has made a decent living from being the lone survivor of “The Satan Sacrifice of Kinnakee, Kansas.” Scraping the barrel of the trust fund that was set up after the deaths of her family members, her father lost to alcohol and hard living, Libby hasn’t ever truly held down a real job. Then along comes The Kill Club, a group of amateur sleuths who thrive on the more grotesque nature of the crimes, combing through old evidence to try and solve the unsolvable. The Kill Club, and its obsession with serial killers, gives Libby a second chance to come to terms with her life — they (and especially one of their main members, Lyle Wirth) don’t believe Ben committed the crime and they’re willing to pay her to dig deeper into her past to find out the truth. And find out the truth she does, but it’s not what Libby, or the reader for that matter, expects.

Whenever I read a book that circles around  such disturbing events, I can’t help but think about something Alissa York said once, that a writer’s imagination, because it’s that, made-up, can go places that people don’t normally go. They explore situations and characters that seemingly come from out of left field and that only work in the context of that particular book. Flynn does a great job with these dark places, both from the novel’s title and from the pages within, and if I have one complaint, it’s that I’m not entirely convinced by the conclusion. Like her first novel, Sharp Objects, the novel rips along like mad for the first two-thirds, and then falls down just slightly when the penultimate moment arrives. The true ending, however, as in the very last chapter of the book, was utterly satisfying.

#43 – The Wife’s Tale

Lori Lansens has yet again written an all-consuming kind of novel. Just like her two previous books, Rush Home Road and The Girls, The Wife’s Tale, from start to finish, remains the kind of novel that once you’ve read the first sentence you don’t stop until you’ve finished the entire book. When the whole appendicitis turned from bad dream into nightmare, I’m not ashamed to admit that The Wife’s Tale was a big part of holding on to my sanity that second week I spent in the hospital.

The novel opens with Mary Gooch on the cusp of celebrating her 25th wedding anniversary. She married her high school sweetheart but they’ve drifted apart over the years. And the losses, personal, professional, have manifested in her psychological and physical self. Borderline agoraphobic (she still leaves the house) and morbidly obese, Mary has tightened up her life in such a way that it couldn’t be any smaller. Her menial job at the pharmacy in town is a means to an end (and a chocolate delivery) and her husband Gooch’s isn’t much more satisfying. Once a golden boy, Gooch isn’t apparently unsatisfied with his life, but when he disappears leaving nothing behind but a fat bank account, Mary must face life for the first time alone.

In a way, it’s a novel of discovery for Mary, a long, rambling Chaucer-like adventure that transforms her in ways she never would have imagined. The narrative keeps tight to Mary: you’re on the edge when Gooch doesn’t come home, you feel her pain when she finds herself completely lost without him, and when she takes the steps towards becoming her own person you can’t help but cheer her on. Lansens has a way of writing this character, this woman who could be the butt of so many jokes, without any caricature. While she may come from a small town, she’s not a hick; she’s not a stereotype, and her transformation is kind of movie-esque magical.

There are unsatisfying elements to the story that I’m not going to spoil here. I’m going to leave off with my first impressions of this book, remembered now a month after reading: it takes a hell of a writer to take such a Hollywood plot, “woman abandoned on her 25th anniversary, obese, unsatisfied and unhappy” and turn it into moments that bring tears to your eyes for their honesty, originality and utter good-heartedness. 

READING CHALLENGES: I’m counting The Wife’s Tale as the second book in my Canadian Book Challenge. While I haven’t done my “official” post about the theme I’m going to try just yet because I honestly haven’t decided what I want to read for the rest of the year, I still think a year that includes The Wife’s Tale and February can only be counted as inspiring. 

#42 – February

Hands down, Lisa Moore’s excellent February might just be my favourite Can-lit book of the year. When I read it over about 24 hours in the hospital I couldn’t help but admire both Moore’s storytelling abilities, how her plot drifts around like clouds but with all the purpose of the weather behind them, and her emotional resonance, how each of the characters carry their sadness and happiness around with them in almost equal measure.

In 1982, almost at the start of their lives together, at the very least within the first, happy, happy years, Helen O’Mara’s husband Cal tragically loses his life in a major oil rig accident. Over the course of the novel, moving backwards and forwards from the past to the present (sometimes even within the same paragraph), Moore reveals Helen’s life. How she raised her four children almost by herself, how they grow up, stay or leave, and relate to her as both a mother and then a grandmother. But the astonishing truth about the story isn’t just Helen’s ability to get on with her life while at the same time being utterly unable to forget Cal, it’s more how she manages to fit all of the pieces in without completely breaking down outwardly.

The sharp contrast between the Helen that lives inside her mind and the reality of Helen’s world ensures February endlessly (and easily) drifts between the two pulling the reader closer and closer to the character. It’s impossible not to get emotionally involved with Helen’s life, with the loss of her greatest love, with her difficult relationship to her equally difficult son, with the glimmer of hope when the chance for happiness comes around.

In short, I guess you could say that I loved this novel. And I can’t think of a better book to start off my latest Canadian Book Challenge. That’s one down. Also, I was reminded of Marilynne Robinson’s equally excellent Home while reading February. They both have similar plots in the sense that a son must return home to face up to the consequences of their lives…if you enjoy Robinson’s writing, you would enjoy Moore’s latest.

#41 – We Need To Talk About Kevin

Lionel Shriver’s Orange prize-winning novel has been on my “to be read” pile ever since I started working at HarperCollins Canada, two point five years ago. Somehow, it always got shuffled around, whether or not I was trying to start or finish a challenge, or something flashy had caught my eye, the book remained on the pile. I guess I found the subject matter a little daunting: a mother talks through letters to her ex-husband about their troubled child, Kevin, who was responsible for a serious school shooting incident.

But once you start We Need to Talk About Kevin, it’s almost impossible to put down. Shriver has a way with character that forces the reader to confront human nature head on — both the good and the bad. There’s no stereotype in Eva. She’s an individual who has made her way in the world, created a successful company and lives a happy life with her husband. She’s hesitant to start a family for a number of reasons: will she be a good mother, how will a baby change their lives, what will it do to her relationship, all of which seem rational when making a decision as big as whether or not to start a family. And it’s apparent that it’s a decision, and not an accident, when she gets pregnant with Kevin. Everything else that happens later seems to fall from Eva as a result of her inability to feel happy about the birth of her son. It’s not as if she blames herself but more that she’s working through the blame, the denial, the regret, as she sends letter after letter to her estranged husband, Franklin.

The letters are personal and they are obviously missing a bit of perspective. But that’s why they are just so effective, you are in Eva’s life irrevocably, and you feel her pain, are motivated by her hurt, and want to understand what went wrong almost as much as she does. I don’t think you can write a book like this without laying bare the limitations of humanity in a way — of society’s ability to forgive and forget to a point that benefits those directly involved in tragedy. For Eva, she’s haunted by her losses, surely, but she’s also haunted by the simple fact that life doesn’t end even if you might want it to, even if you believe it should. You take a step and move into a more, miserable life, but you’re alive nonetheless.

Her relationship to her son, the mass murderer, is complex, difficult, aching, and utterly real. But what I loved most about my Perennial edition, was the story behind the book at the end. Apparently, Shriver (and I’m paraphrasing so hopefully I don’t get this too wrong) wrote this novel really quickly and sent it to her agent at the time who rejected it entirely. The string of novels she’d written up to that point hadn’t been enormously successful and when the agent refused to sell it, Shriver took it upon herself to send it to an editor friend, who ultimately (I think) published the book. Then, as we all know, it won a well-deserved Orange Prize. Sometimes a writer simply has to trust her own voice. Right?

TRH Reading Catch Up — The Movie Tie-In Edition

So, I’ve read a number of books since I’ve been, well, unblogging, if we can call it that. Two weeks in the hospital and a number of weeks of recovery still to come means I’ll probably read a pile more before I head back to work at the end of the month. I’m going to start with three books I finished up in July, before my appendix met its untimely demise:

1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (#38): The folks at work could not believe that I had never read the Harry Potter series. I’ve always enjoyed the films, and the one based upon this book still remains my favourite, but figured I’d get around to the books at some point. I read it in one sitting. There’s so much more to the books and there’s a real sense of wonderment that gets kind of lost in the Hollywood versions.

2. The Strain (#39): While technically not a movie tie-in (yet; I can’t see Guillermo del Toro not making a movie from these books), the novel is truly cinematic, both in its dialogue and its plotting. The story follows a scientist/doctor (can’t remember if he’s either or both), Ephraim Goodweather, as he tries to uncover the truth behind a number of mysterious occurances through his work with the Centre for Disease Control. When a plane touches down at JFK with a cabin full of very dead people and little explaination beyond a very strange coffin-like container on board that may have something to do with their deaths, Eph and his co-workers have quite the mystery on their hands. Creatures start to take over Manhattan (um, the body bags tend to do strange things when left in the fridge and that’s all I’m going to say about that terrifying moment in this book) and Eph has to convince the world that there’s a serious medical crisis, an infection, that’s spreading across the island. Will people believe him? I guess we’ll have to wait until the next book to find out for sure. It’s an entertaining novel, and not my typical fare, but it truly creeped me out in places, which was fun for summer reading.

3. Julie and Julia (#40): Now this book I loved. As Stuff White People Like says, us whiteys like to read the book before we see the movie. So, when I was shopping for a 70th birthday book for my aunt in June, I picked up Julie and Julia on a whim because I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist the movie. Oddly enough, this was my favourite of my three “movie” books. It’s charming, delightful, well-written, entertaining and utterly engaging. Yes, she swears a lot. But it’s kind of funny once you get used to it. And I loved the concept of the book and the blog; there’s just something so interesting about self-met challenges. On the whole, I hope the movie is half as good as the book so I enjoy it too.

Okay, that’s it for today.

#36 – The Little Stranger

After finally (with a month-long struggle) finishing Sarah Waters’s The Little Stranger, I have to admit that I’m hit or miss with her books. I adored both Fingersmith and The Night Watch. But really didn’t like Tipping the Velvet. And I’m afraid I’ll have to add The Little Stranger to the cons side simply because the book just failed to grab me. No, wait, let me restate that, after the first 100 pages or so, I lost interest in the book entirely.

By fate and circumstance, a bachelor rural doctor becomes inextricably involved with the fading Ayers family (Mrs. Ayers, Caroline and Roderick), owners of Hundreds Hall, a decaying house that was once the centre of society for their corner of Warwickshire. The war has just ended, leaving the country and its young men wounded, and Roderick, the eldest son, suffers. Dr. Faraday, called out to the house in place of the Ayers’s regular doctor, soon finds himself an indispensible friend to the family.

With his frequent visits to Hundreds Hall, Dr. Faraday soon becomes embroiled in the myriad problems the family begins to have. First, it’s a terrible accident involving a family pet, a particular favourite of Caroline’s. Then, as Roderick suffers through emotional and physical difficulties, another terrible accident happens. Soon, the family, and even the servants, a young Betty and the older Mrs. Bazeley, feel as if all of the bad luck converging remains squarely the fault of the house itself.

This theme, of suspicious activity coupled with the belief that the house is haunted felt a little like The X-Files, the Ayers’s Mulder to Dr. Faraday’s Scully. In a fairly typical way, each occurance is dismissed by various members of the scientific community and yet life for the Ayers’s doesn’t seem to get any better. It’s almost as if Waters was watching far too many episodes of Most Haunted during the writing of this novel. But, mainly, for me, I couldn’t hang on to the main character — I found him staid, kind of boring and a little two predictable. I’m a huge fan of Waters, as I’ve said above, but this novel put me right to sleep, and despite one or two truly terrifying scenes, left me without the necessary chill required from a book that’s supposed to scare the pants off of you.

READING CHALLENGES: Nothing to see here.

WHAT’S UP NEXT: Summer is short: reading Dorothy Allison’s Trash. And I’ve got to finish a Canadian book this weekend to sum up my Canadian Book Challenge.

#35 – Dune Road

I’ve been conflicted over the last few days about whether or not to create a post for Jane Green’s latest book, Dune Road. There were two things I liked about the book — the attempt to move beyond generic chicklit into a more mature story and it’s perfection for an easy read if you’re sitting on the beach for an afternoon. That said, there were a lot of problems with the book too. Continuity (or lack thereof) really makes me crazy, both in film and in fiction, and when authors repeat themselves, use the same cliches to describe multiple situations, add in unnecessary and completely irrelevant scenes, I get a little frustrated. So much about Dune Road could have been better — that’s not to say that it’s bad — but there are too many characters with too disperate storylines that don’t always connect. Simply, there’s just too much going on in this book and had Green slowed down and tackled maybe just one relationship instead of four or five, Dune Road would have been all the better improved by it.

But maybe I’m putting too much pressure on a book that’s clearly meant to be escapist in terms of its read. The novel tells the story of divorcee (she’s in her early 40s) Kit Hargrove and her family, which includes her ex-husband, two kids, a mother, and surrogate mother (her next door neighbour) as she navigates her new life. That means finding a new love (but can he be trusted?), a new job (as an assistant to a best-selling but secretive novelist with a tragic past akin to Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood), and finding her way to happiness. Accompanying her on this journey are her two best friends, Charlie and Tracy, who each have their own complex stories that further complicate both the novel and Kit’s life. The book throws in multiple mysteries, then tops them off with various cliched happenstances (long-lost relatives; shady pasts; soap opera love affairs) and tosses all of this about like a salad hoping a novel appears.

Primarily what the books could haved used was a bit of editing. Please let’s not use the exact same phraseology to describe more than one relationship. Please don’t introduce characters with vivid backstories who have absolutely no relevance to the central storyline. Please take more care to introduce shady characters who actually appear in the novel. More action, less telling, and for goodness sake, why not make it a triology — exploring each character: Kit, Charlie and Tracy in a full-length book so we feel at least satisfied that we, as readers, are getting the whole story.

In general, I can accept commercial fiction as it is — fun, frivolous and frothy. That’s why I whip through these books at lightning speed when I need a bit of a holiday from the tedium of everyday life. Remember, I’m nothing but a sappy girl at heart, as I’ve said many times in the past, but I also enjoy and am consistently impressed by writers who take up the challenge of moving beyond the cliches and the “read it all befores” to kickstart a genre that’s truly in need of a little facelift. I’ve been consistently disappointed with my latest chicklit reads, and have honestly enjoyed some of the Harlequins I blurbed over the last year far more. They may be predictable (as was this novel), but at least they feel a little bit more honest in terms of using their formulas in new and innovative ways.

However, I don’t want to end on such a negative note. I was sucked in from the very beginning of this book and read it over the course of a day. I even took the long way home via the TTC so I could get in a few more moments with the characters. There’s something special in a writer who can convincingly pull you along until the end of the book — someone who creates emotional lives for her characters in a way that you are consistently empathizing versus sympatizing, which for me, is always a richer reading experience. All in all this is a very good book for me to pass along to my adorable mother-in-law who broadly reads this kind of woman’s fiction. I think she’d like it very, very much.

#34 – Love Begins in Winter

From the P.S. Section of Simon Van Booy’s collection of short stories, Love Begins in Winter, I learned he’s a solitary writer. Not that writing isn’t always a solitary act, but that he actively heads out of town and travels alone specifically so he can conceptualize a story before he puts it down on paper. His writing embodies the nature of this travel — it’s touched with the insights of a keen observer but not without a haunting sense of loneliness, one that informs every character that comes alive throughout the five stories.

Each has its basis in a love story, whether it’s traditional or parental, love in its various forms remains the central theme of each piece. Entire lives are defined by it, or the absence of it, and as his characters come to find it, unexpectedly in most cases, love changes them in not-so subtle ways. Setting informs every inch of this book — it’s rich in its description, from the rain on the streets of Sweden to the snow in Quebec, you get the feeling that the author, and not just the characters, have walked the streets, lain in the cold white sheets of the hotels, and explored every inch of what’s detailed.

Poets have such a way with prose. I know we take that forgranted, that poets actually know what to do with language, but sometimes they stumble over the longer form (I’m sorry Anne Michaels, I am sorry to say that outloud; I know you are beloved), and get lost in trying to find the right words. And yes, what Van Booy does with language is breathtaking. I’m forever impressed by writers who can create a vivid character, a vivacious situation, with just one sentence, and this book was full of moments that made me hand the book over to my RRHB and say, “see, THIS is how I feel.”

I’m a romantic at heart. I wept at the sickly-sweet ending of the utterly terrible He’s Just Not That Into You. I stumble over cliches of chicklit, and often find myself welling up even though I know I’ve read it all before. But here, in Love Begins in Winter, I’ve never come across love in quite this way before — never stretched it out like a road underneath a motorcycle or jumped with it off a cliff as a backstory, and it’s refreshing to see how it changes Van Booy’s characters when it appears in front of them whether they’re expecting it or not. Walter the Irish-Romany’s knees get a little weak but pages later you see how true love vests itself into his life. George gets a letter in the mail and it changes his life forever, and for the better. And if you’re patient, and read this book slowly, carefully, you can’t help but get swept away in the romance of it all, at least I couldn’t.

READING CHALLENGES: The “Summer is Short. Read a Story.” challenge for work. Next up is actually trying to finish Sarah Waters’ latest novel, and hoping that it doesn’t continue to put me to sleep at the turn of every single page. Zzzzzzzz. Wait? What?

NOT FOR A WHOLE POST, BUT STILL: Speaking of romantics, I finished Gemma Townley’s latest novel, A Wild Affair (#35) and have to admit that I wasn’t as enamoured as I usually am with her books. The plot seemed really contrived and her usual way of writing smart situations within a genre that really exploits cliches just wasn’t there. On the whole, I’m not sure if the Jessica Wild character is someone to hang a series of novels upon, and the “twist” felt more like a plot necessity than a life-shattering event. However, I still adore her, and highly recommend her chicklit as a cut above many of the other writers attempting the same kind of fiction.