Arctic Ice

Winter is about to set in although you wouldn’t feel it in Toronto. With temperatures sitting at about 8 degrees, which I would call decidedly balmy, it is any wonder that this is happening?

And having watched Al Gore this week on Oprah, and still digesting Heat, although I’m only 47 pages in (it’s so scary that I can’t read it any faster), I’m all for making positive changes to save that damn ice. I bought one of our nephews a piece of the Arctic and our only niece a polar bear from WWF, and if everyone does that, buys just one socially responsible gift this holiday season, maybe we can save one small part of it.

It would be a shame for it all to disappear after so many lost their lives trying to map it, discover it and, well, explore it. But not just that, the total and complete repercussions of us melting all of the ice because we hate the bus and refuse to turn the heat down makes me think that there’s never a more appropriate time to care for the earth than the holidays when everyone’s feeling generous and imagining the best in other people.

Five Things Meme

Well, I am so honoured, as I’ve never been tagged before! Sniff. My eyes are welling up a little. Okay, so here’s my list:

1. I was born at the Toronto Grace Hospital. For years, while working at the Evil Empire, I stared out my office window at the hospital where I was born.
2. I almost flunked out of graduate school. So much so that one of my professors actually suggested that ‘it might not be for me.’ I was heartbroken.
3. I once tried to re-write Jude the Obscure for a modern audience from Susanna’s point of view. Yeah, it was bad. The first novel I never finished.
4. I have a birthmark on my forehead that many people mistake for dirt.
5. The most embarrassing boy I ever kissed was named Trey. He was a skateboarder from Regina and about five years younger than me. It was in Banff, and Banff is not real life.

Okay, I’m very bad at this tagging thing but here goes: Zesty, my friend with the Yellow Fever and Beth.