#29 Little White Lies

Ah, the Friday afternoon feeling crappy and lying on the couch wishing that it wasn’t so beautiful outside because you can’t move book that you can finish in less than two hours. Ah, Gemma Townley, taking a page from your sister, literally, and writing a predictable, unassuming book that will sell like wild cakes because people love chicklit, myself included. Ah, if it weren’t a way to pad my list, I’d leave books like this off completely. Ah, but if I were a bigger person who could actually concentrate while dealing with Wegener’s Granulomatosis. Ah, but if I weren’t so utterly and totally sick of watching television and bad movies. Ah, Little White Lies, you served your purpose. You got my mind off the disease for a short period of time and that’s all I can really ask of a book of your sort.

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