Random Thoughts On A Thursday

When I rode my bike into work this morning, still happy that even though it’s October, the weather doesn’t necessitate a heavy wool “biking” (translation old and crappy) sweater just yet, it was so foggy that it reminded me of Dublin. Which got me thinking about other things that have served to bring me out of my eternal state of crabbiness:

1. Biking in on Monday a fellow two-wheeler shouted at a car, “Your breaking my tender heart!” When the driver cut him off. Awesome.

2. My RRHB was so nice to me yesterday. I had to work late and miss yoga (which I hate doing) because things are so busy with it being the Fall season and all. When I got home he had made me a pizza, tidied up the living room, and organized our evening’s entertainment (the last third of the current season of Rescue Me). What’s not to love?

3. I powered through Dennis Lehane’s truly engrossing Gone, Baby, Gone for our Facebook reading group (that’s #64 for the year) and have started to read PS, I Love You (also for Facebook), which is cute even if it feels a little like it was rather inspired by Marian Keyes.

4. Mad Men is the best show on television. Now, it goes head to head with Rescue Me, it’s true, but I’m having trouble wondering who’s hotter Denis Leary or Don Draper? Don’t force me to choose. Just don’t.

5. We are spending a relaxing weekend at home instead of going up north to the cottage. I couldn’t be more pleased. That means I can do hospital visits and farmers markets and eat my MIL’s turkey and make soup and organize my closet and clean off the exercise bike and read and watch movies and not have to race home to race onto the highway and maybe even do some of my own writing. Of course, I will use commas there.

4 thoughts on “Random Thoughts On A Thursday”

  1. Oh I do so wish I was at home right now, instead of at the in-laws. Sigh.

    And I wish that there was just a lick of fall weather in the air.

    Of course we all know that if wishes were horses… sigh.

  2. I say through caution into the wind and not use commas at all!! Your story about the fellow two-wheeler made me think of something that happened near me this week (nothing to do with bicycles). I was riding the streetcar and a driver pulled up beside the streetcar, yelling and swearing claiming that the streetcar had cut her off. The streetcar driver opened his side doors and just smiled at her .I felt like I was in on the secret because streetcars can’t cut anyone off since they are on a track…the swearing driver maybe didn’t realize that. Very funny. Enjoy your weekend!

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