Quick Updates On The Fly

Our hot water tank broke this morning so my dream of having a lovely hot shower after four days up north at the cottage spilled out all over the cold, basement floor. This did not start off my day well.

As a result, no bike ride in because I was so late that my RRHB had to drive me to work. I hate driving to work.

I did not manage to finish a single book this weekend although I did watch Zodiac and half of Perfume. Well, that’s not exactly true, I read Dramacon, my very first manga, which was super-cute although I felt old just flipping the pages. Oh, and I also felt old because I had to learn how to read the books. Yes, even reading manga is a new experience for me. But the Tokyopop website is just so cool, isn’t it?

Now I’ve got conditioner in my hair, I’m exhausted because I just couldn’t sleep, and I wish I was still up at the cottage because the weather was just so luscious this weekend I didn’t want to leave.

How are all of you? I feel like the summer is whizzing by so fast that I haven’t had a moment to catch my breath.

4 thoughts on “Quick Updates On The Fly”

  1. At least this week is a short one! And I agree with you about the summer’s whizzing speed. May your day get better.

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