The Death Of My Reading Challenges

I am desperately trying to hang on to my reading challenges these days. But I’ve got so many books to read for work that I might have to call it quits on both: Around the World in 52 Books and 1001 Books until I’ve got more time.

I’ve also finished #31 for the year, Magyk by Angie Sage. It’s a book for kids that I read for our What Would Harry Read? promotion. I love the idea of imagining the reading lives of imaginary characters. It’s a super-cute theme that should get people talking, if only to imagine what other characters would read.

Like what would Elizabeth Bennett read if she were alive today and reading in this century? What would Dean Moriarty have in the back pocket of his jeans? If Trip Fontaine were real, would he read? If you had a favourite fictional character: what do you think would be on their bookshelves?

Anyway, I’m going to try to keep on top of my ‘for me’ reading but I have a feeling it’ll get buried well beneath all of the books that now teeter on the top of my TBR pile from work. It’s an embarrassment of riches, that’s for sure.

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