Stupid Disease #3579

This morning I cried all the way to work, knowing that it’s not at all rational to bawl on the middle of the QEW for no good reason, I’m chaulking it up to the disease. Again. Like everything else these days, I’m feeling so sick and tired all the time that I’m surprised I can still even go to work.

The Rock and Roll Boyfriend got his hot little hands on an advance copy of Cuff the Duke’s new album. I think it’s scheduled to be released in August. Anyway, the first song is one of the best songs I’d heard in a long while—there’s a great harmonica part that reminds me of The Low’s Rosy and Grey, one of my all-time favourite tunes in university.

There’s a lot going on in the evenings this week. I had school last night, where I read a poem called “Born in the Sign of July.” The girls in my writer’s group really liked it, so I wanted to try it out on a larger group—turns out half the people in the class thought it was about my dad, which is strange considering it’s love poem, but it went over well anyway. The teacher used some of the lines from my poem to explain one of his favourite things about poetry; its ability to convey an entire range of emotions in just a few short lines, and how effective it can be by just using spare words vs. long, drawn out explanations that you find in prose. Ahem, or like you find on this blog…

Tonight I’m off to the Premier Dance Theatre to see some modern dance. Watching dance is always so bittersweet, soft reminders of all the things I’ve had to give up in my life and where I’ve ended up now as a result of my health. It’s a neverending cycle these days, and I’m not coping particularly well.

Then tomorrow night I’m going to review Lords of Dogtown for Chart magazine. I have a thing for skateboarders, but I don’t have high hopes for this film—go ahead, call me Betty and get over it already.

Then on Friday it’s time to say goodbye to Suzy Q as she goes off to teach English in an extremely foreign country for a year. See, there’s a lot going on for someone who can barely make it out of bed in the morning without barfing and feeling like my stomach is trying to digest knives.

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