Five Things I’m Obsessed With Today: Fav Blogs

1. I heart Zach Braff’s blog. He seems like such a geniune fellow, and especially considering Garden State has sort of catapulted him into another world in terms of the whole being famous-thing. If he’s ZBizzle, can I be DFizzle?

2. Scarbie Doll‘s Martinis For Milk. A dear, sweet friend who never ceases to amaze me in terms of her mad writing skills.

3. Hissyfit. The name says it all. Wing Chun is one of the smartest, funniest, and savviest writers I know. Not to mention Glark’s also most kick-assiest sense of humour. Check out his Star Wars / Pride 2005 desktops. Heh.

4. Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind. I’m not a big reader of crime / mystery fiction, but as far as litblogs go, it’s one of the best. Even better than Bookslut at times because of Weinman’s pure, unadalterated love of literature.

5. Kim’s Fresh Hell. It has my favourite tagline of any website I’ve ever come across, “All pop. No culture.” One of those things that makes you think, “Damn, I wish I wrote that…”

There are so many others that I love too, too many to list, but honourable mentions go to pamie, Blondie, and to Chicklit, where I wish-I-wish deborah would start up a blog because I’d read it everyday.

Anyway, some things to keep my mind off my rotting stomach and ill-feeling, stupid diseased body.

One thought on “Five Things I’m Obsessed With Today: Fav Blogs”

  1. I heart you! I am honoured to be in the number 2 spot. That is probably the best award I’ve ever got. And being a fan of lists it means a lot to me. As for Zach Braff, I like him, but he kinda reminds me of Ray Romano and therefore I can have no twitterpation for him.

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