Television, Ahem, Sucks?

To know me means to know that I love television. No, let me re-phrase that, I love watching television, sometimes to the extent that it borders on complete and utter obsession.

But lately, I haven’t been watching much television at all. I’ve been reading, I’ve been writing, I’ve been blogging, I’ve been sleeping, but I haven’t been watching television, which is completely and utterly unlike me. In fact, I’ve missed so many episodes of television shows that I used to watch faithfully that I don’t even know who I am anymore. What’s happening to me?

But there are still a few things I’m faitfully watching this year, but instead of, like twenty shows, it’s only three or four: Gilmore Girls, which is the best it’s been in two or three years; ER, because I’m sickingly addicted to the show; and Deadwood, which has replaced The Wire in my heart for now, but not for always.

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