IFOA – Sunday III

Aw, Sarah Waters is brilliant, in that top-notch sort of British way. She’s very open and down to earth, and had a lot of really wonderful things to say about The Night Watch and her other novels. It makes all the difference when there’s an interviewer who can penetrate the subject and then let the question stand for itself, then realize that it’s not about them and just let the author answer. There’s patience and authority in that kind of a voice, and that’s what Susan G. Cole brought to the table.

After hearing Waters talk about the agenda, if I should use such a loaded word, behind Tipping the Velvet, maybe I could have been a bit more forgiving in my original impressions of the novel.

Today was inspiring, as I usually find the IFOA, urges me toward working even harder to get something finished.

6 thoughts on “IFOA – Sunday III”

  1. Nuts. I meant to text message you since you had so kindly sent me your business card and I knew you had your crackberry with you. I was at the same interview and reading as you.

  2. My cell phone was almost dead. 🙁

    By any chance are either of you going to the roundtable on Wednesday evening?

  3. I wish! We’re going to Atwood on Friday and another reading on Thursday (Madeleine Thien et al). Any chance you’ll be at any of those?

  4. Nuts. No. I’ve seen Atwood…3? 4? times in the past year. And since I’m still no 100% over this cold thing I didn’t want to go two nights in a row. Sigh…but it’s so tempting. Too many good events.

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