TRH Movie: An Unfinished Life, Pride & Prejudice Redux

Okay, I’m not feeling too well, as you’ve probably gathered from the lack of posts and the, ahem, too many trips to the ladies, so last night as my RRHB went out for his usual Wednesday night drinks, I stayed home supposedly to “work.” I wrote one sentence, quite a good sentence I thought, a metaphor about how this man (who knows what man or what character) is slow to love like a car that takes time to start (okay it sounds cheesy when I write it here) and then put the pen down, gathered up the cat and watched two girlie movies in a row—on a school night, gasp.

The first An Unfinished Life has been on the Faux-Vo for a while gathering dust (along with Water, Wallace and Gromit and a few others) and after the stern talking to I got from said RRHB about allowing said films to gather said dust, I decided to watch it, J-Lo be damned. And it was meh. But I have to say, I enjoy Robert Redford and Morgan Freeman, and I’d watch them in just about anything. You can tell this was adapted from a slow, writerly novel, one that I have not read so I can’t comment on the page-to-movie translation, because the film is slow yet precise, just like good literature. It’s a bit too over-told, especially the bad boyfriend “girl doesn’t deserve better” storyline that J-Lo seems utterly drawn to (how many movies has she been in where her fellow knocks her about, seriously? enough already, we don’t believe it, you could kick their asses with your bitchy looks anyway and no one believe your “acting”). Also, the overwhelmingly obvious bear as symbol (yawn, and didn’t Brad Pitt kill that thing, like, years ago?) of Robert Redford’s past locked up and needing to be set free was tiresome, but I got a bit teary at the end.

Then I became an absolute mess; the weeping and gasping for breath kind of puddle as I watched Pride and Prejudice for the, um, third time. I can’t help it—that film is like girlie crack, it’s a sugar high when I’m off the sweets, and I bawled like a baby in between pausing for the aforementioned visits to the bathroom (is that TMI?). Annnywaaay. I erased it just so I wouldn’t sit down and watch it a half-dozen more times and therefore get absolutely no abridging work done this week, which honestly is so hard-going that I’m getting quite disheartened about the fact that I’ll probably miss my deadlines.

I picked hard books this time around. Dummy.

One thought on “TRH Movie: An Unfinished Life, Pride & Prejudice Redux”

  1. I was really shocked when I saw Robert Redford in Unifinished Life. I must not have seen him in quite some time, because I was shocked at how OLD he looked!

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