Bowling Road Kill

Remember that episode of Sex and the City where Stanford exclaims, as Carrie trips and falls on the runway, “Oh my God, she’s fashion road kill?” Yeah, well, as of Saturday I am officially Bowling Road Kill (tm ragdoll).

That’s right, you heard me, bowling. It was Glark’s birthday and, as was the custom last year, we all went bowling. And, well, I suck. I didn’t fall down flat on my face as Carrie did, but I sure came close. “How?” You ask. Well, first I bowled gutter ball after gutter ball. Then, I swung back my cute pink ball, promptly let go and watched it fly — in the wrong direction. I’m lucky I didn’t kill anyone. Oh, and then I managed to jump up and play in the wrong order, thus ruining Stee’s fabulous track record. But that part was okay because the dude that works the alley fixed it so the score ended up being correct. My friend Wing Chun kept saying, “You’re so pretty. You don’t need to be talented.” Ha!

So yeah, I’m officially Bowling Road Kill. They were all embarrassed to be seen with me. They were all embarrassed to go out with me.

Oh, and it didn’t help much that my Rock and Roll Boyfriend bowled perfect strikes and spares pretty much all afternoon. Sigh.

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