TRH TV – Total Guilty Pleasure

So the impending fall season, of course, sends me off into never-ending fits of glee, and it also makes it somewhat tolerable to watch whatever crap is being peddled this time of year. I, ahem, watched half an episode of Windfall (Ew. Very, very bad). I got totally hooked on Showtime’s Brotherhood, which is kind of like a combination of The Wire my all-time favourite television show, and The Sopranos, only they’re Irish and live in Rhode Island. So all in all, it’s been a passable summer, especially with Jeremy Piven to watch on Entourage.

But my new guilty pleasure? Kathy Griffin’s My Life on the D-List. It’s okay, you can be embarrassed for me. I know it’s not high-brow entertainment, but it’s just such a likeable show, mainly because Griffin is so up front about her fame (or lack thereof), her life (or lack thereof) and her comedy that I can’t stop watching it.

I’d have to admit that I don’t watch a lot of reality television, the odd episode of Jackass when it was still on, one or two episodes of the Nick and Jessica debacle, the first season of Survivor and the one season of The Amazing Race that Amber and Rob were on, and that’s about it. Oh, and my RRHB forces me to watch American Idol, but only the auditions, because he enjoys them so much. And yet, once I watched half an episode of MLOTDL, I was hooked. I have it programmed into the Faux-Vo permanently and scheduled the episodes not to erase in case I decide to go back and watch them again.

3 thoughts on “TRH TV – Total Guilty Pleasure”

  1. I’m totally with you on the junky tv!

    Yesterday I watched my DVR copy of Project Runway, then read Tim Gunn’s blog, then looked at the recaplet on TWoP (and voted, naturally), then later in the day I listened to Tim’s podcast.

    I was trying to decide if that was too much involvement with junk tv. But – no, it was just summer-time fun! 🙂

  2. I love Life on the D-List. It makes me realize that even though my job sucks, I’m still not even good enough to be d-list.

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