#50.5 Girl, (Nearly) 16: Absolute Torture

Now, I’m calling this #50.5 because I didn’t actually read the book but rather listened to it on CD. Sue Limb’s cute YA novel about Jess, a totally overly dramatic, dark-haired pixie of a girl with self-described ‘podge,’ is forced to go on a vacation with her librarian of a mother just as her relationship with her boyfriend Fred heats up, could be described as “ultimate” girlie fiction. It’s got a cute, Gilmore Girls-like tone, tells the story of British Jess with panache and humour, and actually made me laugh out loud a couple of times. The story, while predictable, was still somewhat fresh, and I liked listening to it.

It’s taken a bit of time to get used to the idea of audio books, but now that I’ve started, I’m totally addicted. I listened to half of The Husband by Dean Koontz (I KNOW!) and it was awesome and now I’m on to John Grisham’s The Last Juror. It’s funny how fiction I would never, ever in my life admit to reading, I’m more than happy to pop into the CD player in the car. It’s the auditory equivalent of watching Law & Order or some other cop drama, or what that stands for in my life, something passable to make the time fly by as I’m getting from one place to the other (usually from being awake to being asleep).

Anyway. Do audio books even count toward my final reading goals? I don’t know and don’t much care, for now, I’m always going to count them as point fives.

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