The Good, The Bad, The Totally Frustrating

Another busy weekend, well, Sunday anyway, I spent much of yesterday just reading and trying not to fall totally asleep because of the heat. At least I finished Until I Find You and have now started Of Human Bondage. As well as trying to get started on my two new abridgments.

Annnywaaay. So my lovely and generous aunt and uncle had bought us a brand new washer and dryer a while back, when we first bought the house. They’ve essentially been in storage because we didn’t want to hook them up in the gross old basement but now that it’ll be a lot longer until our main floor is renovated, I was very tired of spending two hours waiting for the old dryer to finish. Today, my RRHB hooked them all up, after spending yesterday and today re-wiring and re-tubing the basement. My father-in-law came to help him cart around the appliances, which was very sweet of him. They’re shiny. They’re brand new. All good, right?


The washer doesn’t work. We keep getting some sort of electrical error F11, and I should have known anything called Elite would have problems. So, it’s brand new, the box has never been opened, but it’s been in storage for the past 18 months. What does that mean? Oh, the warranty has expired (of course) and we have to pay to get it fixed. Isn’t that awesome?

Oh, and we can’t return it either, because it’s been too long, so no matter what we do, we’re screwed.

And I’m so tired of annoying “customer service” people who are so condescending and absolutely assholey saying things like, “That’s a lesson learned the hard way.”

Really? Really farkwit? And you think that’s helping me?

Sears sucks ass.

3 thoughts on “The Good, The Bad, The Totally Frustrating”

  1. Well first off what tells us that you havent been using the appliances for the past 18 months and the next question that comes to mind….. What company does accept returns 6 months after the warranty because you claim you havent used it?

  2. Isn’t that what I just said, that the machines have been in storage for 18 mos? Read much?

    Oh, and The Gap does. In fact, lots of clothing stores will take stuff back as long as you have the bill and can prove you haven’t worn it.

    Apples to oranges, maybe, but that doesn’t change the fact that the “customer service” people were nincompoops.

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