Too Fast…

Things have been moving at a breakneck speed:

1. I got two more book contracts from Sterling. Am very excited to be starting.

2. Have seen a lot of movies (Superman Returns, You, Me and Dupree, (oh boy), as well as a host of others)

3. Have finished one book and am in the process of being almost-finished Until I Find You—my thoughts on both are not complete (are they ever)

4. Am seeing the Super-Fancy Disease doctor on Tuesday. Fingers crossed.

5. I bought a red dress for a wedding we’re going to at the end of the month. The size that usually fits? It’s too big! And even though I haven’t lost an ounce with my ‘ragdoll aerobics’, I’m feeling great and am up to 37 minutes of exercise at least 3 times a week. Oh, and I sweat, a lot. Isn’t that fun? I forgot how much fun that is…

/quick update. Am too tired not to use pretentious internet conventions.

2 thoughts on “Too Fast…”

  1. I’m telling you. The scale means now’t. It’s all about how the dress fits. Are you sending the dress back? Going to a tailor? YOU DIDN”T FINISH THE STORY!

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