TRH Movie – Dedication

We spent a lovely evening last night down at the Art Bar, attached to the fancy new Gladstone Hotel, watching Kathleen’s film Dedication. It’s a beautiful little piece based on one of her poems and set to a lovely score by Paul Aucoin. Two manic days of shooting turned out exceptionally well with some brilliant editing and a grand old vision by Kate herself. Oh, and it was her birthday to boot. But the most exciting thing? Seeing my name in the credits as the Assistant Director and remembering how much fun it was to yell, well I mean, keep everyone organized so Kate could her job done. And seeing it up there on the screen looking so vivid and remembering how long it took them to get the shots, gives me a new appreciation for anyone who makes movies, because the work is the same, no matter how bad the end product is…

One thought on “TRH Movie – Dedication”

  1. You are ever so sweet. And, if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, I couldn’t have done it without you. No one yells, ‘lock it down!’ like you, baby. I’m pretty darn pleased with the film. Love that every piece of the film – every contribution from crew, DOP, editor, composer – just made it better. I can see where they all touched the film and I couldn’t be happier. Also, let’s not forget Kristy Findlay who is literally the ‘face’ of this film. One close up after another. Washing her face in scalding hot water, over and over again while we struggled for the perfect shot. Such a trooper!

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