Read With TRH

Okay, I want to try something different, something that I haven’t done before—everyone who knows me knows that I love to read. And I want to share that love. And then I want to talk about that love to anyone who’ll listen. So, I’ve picked a book I’m going to read over the next few weeks. It’s called Cease to Blush by Billie Livingston.

It looks like the perfect summer read: saucy, fabulously fun and kind of sexy. What could/would be better for a hot afternoon in the city?

So, I’ve got extra copies of the book to giveaway in the hopes that someone, anyone, might want to read it with me, and then I’m hoping the author will be available to answer any questions in this space that we might have.

I don’t want to call it a book club because, well, you know. But I do want to experience a shared reading of the novel online through my blog.

Email me if you want a copy of the book. I’ve got three that need homes.

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