#28 – Blankets

Blankets, Craig Thompson’s , illustrated novel completes my Book A Day challenge (for now). I’m going to give it a couple of days (with working) to see if I can maintain the same pace, but I doubt it.

I choose an easy one, a graphic novel, but having never read one before, I didn’t quite know what to expect. It’s a sweet tale of the author growing up, falling in love and questioning his Christian faith, told in a balance of words and pictures. I’m consistently amazed at the ability of graphic novel authors to a) achieve a tone with such a small amount of words and b) tell such wonderful stories in their pictures.

As I was awake with nerves and whatnot last night until after 2 AM, it was an easy book to read in order to try and calm down, and that so much of it was inspired by different parts of scripture (in how he’s learning about his faith, testing his faith, finally coming to terms with how he approaches his faith), meant it sort of calmed me down too.

The love story makes up most of the middle section of the book and it’s easy to see how the author fell in love with his heroine. She’s quite remarkable and led one hell of a hard life. This book makes me want to read more graphic novels, but I wouldn’t even know where to start.

2 thoughts on “#28 – Blankets”

  1. I started that graphic novel Epileptic awhile back (and as you know, will be soon getting into it again!) and I liked what I saw. I have never really got into graphic novels before, but am definitely interested in starting.

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