Weekend Antics

So a couple friends of my RRHB came over on Friday night and we played cards. They were all drinking our neighbour’s homemade wine ($20.00 for 25 bottles—oh what a steal!). After the exasperating few days I spent being very ill after the non-wedding, and because of the meds, I abstained.

For the very first time in a long while, I sat and watched the three of them get absolutely hammered. It was pretty enjoyable, especially when they gave me a new name to go along with my new last name, and I shall forever be known to the three of them as Sparkle Poirier. Heh.

I lost every single game we played at Euchre, which is fine because I really just like to play cards, I don’t care if I win or lose. And drunken euchre players are always funny. And then the evening digressed into talking about politics because it’s on everyone’s mind.

Then today we got up and had breakfast with a dear old friend of ours, who we regaled with tales of the drunken debauchery from the night before. He laughed. A good time was had by all.

But here’s the coup de grace of my day—we saw Underworld: Evolution. I’m still processing it. But damn, I love that series. It’s an okay sequel, not as good as the first movie, but certainly a good set-up for the third, which I’m already hoping to see in the next few years.

Now, I’d like to take a survey. Put your hands up if you think small children should really be allowed to see a film where people are shot, decapitated, mortally wounded, viciously killed, de-blooded, and a whole host of other cool vampire and werewolf-like stuff happens? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Shame on you parents who brought their five and six-year-olds to see a film meant for an adult audience. Oh, and Scott Speedman is totally hot. It’s almost a crime.

It’s a very full weekend for a girl with Wegener’s Granulomatosis. And it’s not even over yet!

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