What’s Up Doc?

So here’s a list of the things I’ve been doing this week. It’s so not exciting:

1. Attending a conference for work. It was three days long and even though you don’t do anything, you literally just sit there hearing about all the fun stuff that’s coming down the pipes, you are brain dead and exhausted at the end of it.

2. Going to school, watching television (hello Jack Bauer), listening to Metro Morning, going to work, eating dinner and sleeping.

3. Oh, and I barfed, again. Also not fun.

4. Reading Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro and loving every single word.

5. Discovering that it’s actually easier on me to walk from Dundas down to King Street vs. trying to navigate the stairs of the subway station. That’s how pathetic I am at the moment from the disease. Talk about a weakened state.

6. Trying not to take too much Gravol but then giving in because it’s better to be sleepy that to be throwing up. Can I get a witness?

7. Missing my friends because I couldn’t really carry on any email conversations while I’m sitting in a conference.

8. Wanting to sleep like Rip Van Winkle because I’m so tired.

9. Waiting for a hug. Really from anyone.

10. Wishing I could stay home all the time and watch Ellen.

And that about sums me up this week? What’s up with y’all?

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