Procrastination Pays

My RRHB was clearing out one of the rooms he’s going to demolish on the main floor of our house when I got in from brunch. One of the boxes he pulled out was from my old work, after they ‘let me go’ I wasn’t allowed to pack up my office—they just wanted me gone. I couldn’t look at the stuff before now, I guess, because the box has been sitting in our storage room for months.

A lot of it is garbage. A funny poem from McSweeney’s. A picture of the young beat generation writers, Kerouac, Burroughs. A funny newspaper clipping of Johnny Rotten holding a press pass with an awesome look on his face. Essentially, a pile of stuff that I used to personalize my office while I had one.

But in a copy of Girl With A Pearl Earring, I found a $50.00 bill. Now, that’s way above and beyond finding money in your pants or your winter coat. Usually, you’re lucky if you find $5.00 or $10.00. But $50.00? Man, that’s my spending money for the week. See, it paid for me to ignore the residual effects of being forced out of that job—I’m $50.00 richer than I was yesterday.

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