#2 – A Long Way Down

Nick Hornby’s delicious novel is meant to be devoured in one sitting like a Toblerone bar. Out of the two books I’ve read so far this year, it’s definitely the best, but that’s not saying much as the comparison novel is The Da Vinci Code.

On New Year’s Eve, four people, as disparate as four people could honestly be, end up atop of Toppers’ House, and infamous high rise where Londoners go to kill themselves. As luck would have it, the four sort of talk each other down, which begins and odd and strangely unique friendship between them.

The sadness of each of their lives remains entirely empathetic; it doesn’t make the move into parody, but remains real and honest and good. The characters aren’t necessarily likeable, but I’ve learned from Hustle & Flow that you can even sympathize with a pimp, if he’s human enough.

All in all it’s a book I truly couldn’t put down. I read in one giant gulp, half awaiting the brain freeze I was sure was to follow. It never came. And I feel oddly satisfied, in a strange Sunday kind of way.

3 thoughts on “#2 – A Long Way Down”

  1. I’m so with you on this one… loved Hornby’s A Long Way Down. Read it in two days at the cottage this summer. Just perfect for an afternoon in the shade with a diet coke and bowl of chips. As for Hustle & Flow, I list it as one of my favourite movies of the year and think it’s been sadly overlooked by most.

  2. I just finished reading “a long way down.” Initially, I thought Maureen had the most justification to kill herself, but now having read through to the end, I ams really impressed with how she got her life together the most. It teaches that one can make good out of any situation.

    Interesting to note that Hornby also has a disabled child.

  3. Yo – can you pass that book along? I am almost done my #2 of the year — needed really light reading after James Frey, so I picked an easy Peter Mayle book. I LURV Nick Hornby and would like to take a peek at it. Thanks pally.

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