Mock-lorette Party Extravaganza

I am hungover. First off, I’m not even supposed to be drinking with the meds, but last night I made an exception. Next, I’m not really in any shape to be out all hours of the night, but again I made an exception. My lovely friends were kind enough to take me out last night to celebrate the impending non-wedding. I had such a good time I can’t thank them enough.

We ate a fab meal at Kalendar, then went to the Supermarket, which for Kensington is way, way too hip. It kind of scared me actually. Then we went to see the drag show at El Convento Rico, yay dancing! Yay cool looking drag queens I couldn’t see. Boo slimy fellows trying to dance with you. Boo spinny room because you’ve had too much beer.

Then, we topped off the evening with a College Street staple: nachos at Sneaky Dee’s.

It’s hard to sum up the evening in one or two funny, witty comments, but in the end I felt very special, which is a nice feeling. Although I’m damn glad Scarbie didn’t dare bring the veil she threatened me with. Also, it was nice to be out in the world after spending so much time at home by myself, I had almost forgotten how nice it is just to be a girl and hang out with your friends.

And it’s pretty damn fun to shake your ass too.

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