OMT (Add-ons To Trials and Tribulations)

6. So glad that Tom Cruise fired his sister aka “publicist” just in time for this juicy bit of fright night to find its way before the eyes of the unsuspecting public, I mean, his fans. What a wingnut. And why and how is this news anyway?

7. In response to a very loud, shouty email I sent to this fellow about getting unwanted spam, I received this (it’s now my most favourite email EVER):

Thought I bid you good bye – we have no business – no need to
communicate any further – hopefully it’s good bye forever….besides it was just
some friendly advice – I hear a cry for help. You seem like a very very very
angry, tense, moody, miserable person aren’t you – is life that
un-pleasant that you let a little email work you last nerve – you let someone you
don’t even know effect/affect you like that – some more good advice from a
NOW concerned community colleague who shares this city/country/world with
you – I hear they have a lot of good doctors and lot of shiny new pills
that’ll cure this – go visit somebody for that – or try breathing, stretching
and just letting it go, or tai-chi. Whatever you do something but do it b4
you break into road rage or hurt seriously yourself or somebody seriously +
never be a reaction to anyone or anything. have a beautiful life – try
having a more positive outlook to but now your scaring me…..

Dude obviously has way, way too much time on his hands. But, heh! How does he know me so well after such a short period of time. Not.

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