Working From Home: Trials And Tribulations

1. Is it really too early (10.22 AM) to be eating cheesies?

2. How long should one wait before taking that shower she really should have taken three hours ago?

3. Why, oh why, must every site I turn to give me juicy information I can’t help clicking on about the utter and final demise of Jessica Simpson’s marriage?

4. Is it that bad to want to get all your work done so you can watch The Notebook at 4 PM for the, like, 18th time? Because it’s so not over for me, either, dude, totally.

5. There’s snow outside! It’s winter in Canada! I’m so excited. Yawn.

One thought on “Working From Home: Trials And Tribulations”

  1. Snow, schmow! The Simpson’s are breaking up! It so awesome to be completely and utterly entertained by the crumbling of someone elses marriage. I’m disgusted with myself (yet can’t stop reading).

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