
So Contemporary Verse 2 doesn’t want my poems. They “reviewed [my] work carefully and unfortunately [my] writing does not meet [their] needs at this time.” So carefully that they’ve cut and pasted the form letter into an email addressed, “Dear Poet.”

Kind of reminds me of my rejection letter from UBC when I applied to graduate school—they paid careful attention to my application as well, and then spelled my name wrong on the letter.

At least my Taddle Creek poem is coming out in two weeks. That’s one success for this miserable failure of a year anyway. I’m getting pulled down by the tired, achy, exhausted body…what does that Superman show say: “Somebody save me?”

Okay, now I’m even depressing myself. On to the next journal!

One thought on “Rejection!”

  1. Hey Johnny Cash proposed to June at a show in London Ontario! I just heard that on the CBC two days ago. There’s a poem waiting for ya there I think.

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