Doctor Update

Today I saw my kidney specialist about all the strange exhaustion stuff going on. He confirmed what I sort of thought anyway, that it’s all probably a side effect of the small amount of prednisone I’m taking. This gives me hope. It means I’ll only be feeling crappy for another couple of weeks. He also wants me to tell everything to the super-special disease doctor that I’m seeing in two weeks who might have more insight.

So things are looking up. I’ve talked to work and they understand everything. I’ve seen the specialist, and he knows what’s going on and doesn’t think it’s my kidneys (yay!); and I have an appointment with the fancy disease doctor in two weeks if I’m still feeling like there’s a bowling ball on my chest and I can’t walk to the corner because I’m so tired I feel like I’m going to fall down.

I still have to have the test on Monday, which is kind of yukky, but at least it’ll rule out for-sure-for-sure that I don’t have an infection in my heart.

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