Frustration With A Capital "Fr"

So I stayed home from work yesterday as per the ER doc’s instructions only to find out he never sent the order for my new test. It’s now scheduled for November 28. On top of that I never heard back from the specialist, so it seems that whatever’s in my chest can’t be all that tragic considering no one’s really taking it all that seriously.

Our friends were in town playing with Sarah Harmer at the Glenn Gould Studio. It was wonderful to get to see the show, it’s beautiful inside and truly sounds amazing. The whole evening was kind of surreal. I’m feeling so out of it that it’s hard for me to stand up for long periods of time, so I was glad it was a sit-down show. But at the same time, it’s so anti-rock that I didn’t know quite what to do with myself. Do I “woo!”? Do I “whoop!”? Can I holler? Should I dance in the aisle (um, no definitely frowned upon)?

The whole evening was full of strange callbacks to my past. Danny Michel was playing with Sarah Harmer. He used to be in this band called The Rhinos. When I was at university the couple times I saw them play I was either drunk or on acid (please don’t tell my father). The first time, we were so hammered we totally sat at the front of the very small club (The Toucan) and talked to the band through the entire set. Oh, silly girls.

The second time, they played at this strange club in Kingston (I can’t remember the name now, but maybe it was A.J.’s), and I sat on this set of stairs beside the stage. I was so high that I kept reaching through the iron bars to take their things: hats, scarves, mittens, beer, anything I could get my hands on. It was totally bizarre. They kept coming back to look for things and I had moved them, and then moved away so they had no idea what was happening. Oh, being high on acid. So silly.

So it’s strange that I have such an intimate memory of him, of his band, and he has no idea who I am, other than the girl he sort of kind of yelled at when the CBC guys gave the rest of our friends crap for smoking outside—the smoke was blowing back in on them. And I wasn’t even smoking—because girls with Wegener’s really shouldn’t be smoking, as much as they might want to.

Earlier that evening, Sarah Harmer and The Weatherthans covered Islands in the Stream, by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. I listened to Kenny Rogers so much growing up at the cottage, that it made me all warm and fuzzy thinking about my grandfather, playing poker and these strange “talent shows” all the kids used to put on in the middle of the summer for our parents. Which made me think of how I grew up, what a great time I had, all the people I love and loved, and all the other things you remember from your childhood.

It could just be the meds that are making me introspective, imagining links from events today that connect me inexorably to who I was ten, fifteen, even twenty years ago. It could be that my body is so tired that the only way for me to expel my energy is through willing my brain to work despite everything that’s going on. Who knows?

Oh, but the strangest part of the evening? Danny Michel pulling a totally pimping pair of crocodile leather shoes out of his car, holding them up saying, “Check these out!” Apparently, he thinks they’re kickin’ but he’s not brave enough to wear them just yet. Then everyone finished packing up their rock gear to move on to the next part of the evening. This was the part where I went to bed and they all went out and got hammered. I hate the disease.

One thought on “Frustration With A Capital "Fr"”

  1. Islands in the Stream is one of my favourite songs of all time. It would have made my night to hear it performed! So fun.

    Wasn’t Danny Michel also part of Starling for a while there? He started it up with Ian I think, then there was a falling out? Can’t remember the details but I met them through Sonja at some point. Got some stories there that we can talk about later. Heh. I’ve heard Danny play solo though – he’s great. I really need to start coming out to some shows with you. We’d have a blast!

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