Slowly Melting = Good Karma

Making it through an entire day of work feels almost like climbing Mount Everest. Okay, I’ve never actually climbed Mount Everest, so I’m sorry if I’m offending any true blue mountaineers out there. By the time I get home I’m flushed and semi-feverish, or at least I feel that way, totally exhausted and thinking about bed. I put on my pajamas (jogging pants, sweatshirt) and I turn on the television. So. Not. Exciting.

But tonight I had a function to go to for work. Flare magazine had a cocktail party to celebrate their year, and it was a lot of fun, despite my lack of energy. In fact, I had a My Name is Earl moment. I had forgotten to dump my business card into the buckets for the door prizes until the very last second, when Zesty pulled a fast one and dropped it in. And I won a $250 gift certificate for Yorkdale Mall! Bring on the shoes, bring them on!

Perhaps the world is being kind to me because I’m feeling so poorly lately. Who knows? But it was kind of funny.

One thought on “Slowly Melting = Good Karma”

  1. Wow! That’s a pretty damn good prize. I hope it in some small way alleviates a bit of your misery. — Deborah

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