Confidence Builder

I think I forgot to mention that I’m taking a creative writing class this fall. It’s a ‘graduate level’ course that focuses on workshopping fiction with a goal that by the end you’ve got 50 pages or so that are in good shape to shop around. After reading the first stories by two of my classmates last week, I had a shiver of self-doubt that I’m ready for something so polished. However, I’m sticking with it, and just sent off my first story for discussion in our next class, which is November 7th (we’re skipping Hallowe’en, for the parents in the group).

The story I sent off is one of a series I’ve been working on about the time I spent in Banff during university. Looking at it before sending it off left me on a crazy trail of procrastination, trying to find out about people I used to know (one ex-boyfriend who I treated terribly and regret to this day what I jerk I was), googling different places I remember, trying to recall things that happened 10 years ago now.

But most of all, trying to capture the irony of Banff itself, rich playground for wealthy folks, pitstop for kids running away, easy summer money, beautiful landscape, unreal life, all of those things that make for good fiction. If only I could figure out how to write it properly. Fingers crossed they don’t hate it, and fingers crossed I actually make it through class without throwing up. Shyness really is a disease, isn’t it?

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