And the Doctor Says…

That I’ve got a “touch” of bronchitis. Yay! No antibiotics yet, only if it gets worse, but I’ve got to use my puffers, which I hate. On the good news front, my kidneys are doing better with my creatinine level coming down to 120 from 131 and my ESR back to normal (it’s a sign of inflammation, which in turn is a sign of disease activity). I’m tired because my hemoglobin sinking because of the meds, but I can live with that as long as the disease is going back into remission.

High kicks all around!

I’m starting the next of my abridged versions, so I’ll be spending a lot of time on the computer working, which means I’ll be wasting time reading Popwatch and watching trailers. In particular, this one over and over and over again.

I don’t know what it is about war movies, but I can’t get enough of them. Past the terror and past the truly horrifying things that happen in war, I think it’s the intense situation that I know I’ll never have to experience that I’m drawn to. And it makes me think of my grandfather and great-grandfather who fought in the Second and First World Wars respectively, what they had to sacrifice and how different my life would be if they hadn’t been there in the first place.

Now excuse the digression. There are fellows in here replacing our old crappy windows with fresh new ones, and I’m kind of high on the fumes…

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