Wednesday. That’s All.

I always think of that Alanis song, the one about it raining on your wedding day and that being all ironic, even though it’s not ironic at all, when I forget an umbrella and it starts to pour. Yesterday, I cracked myself in the face with the car door after getting home with the RRBB, which has left me with an incredibly sore chin, and I honestly think my co-workers are afraid I might be on the cusp of giving them the plague, I’ve got such a horrible cough.

But, I’m not feeling diseasy. There’s a win!

There’s a red-tailed hawk that flies outside my window at work and, this morning at about 8.20, before the weather turned, before it got all cloudy and gray, it was out hunting pigeons. Swoop swoop, and it’s so cliched, but it’s effortless and floats on the air. Often, I sit just watching it, swoop swoop, and once it flew so close to my window that I saw the yellow of its eyes. I have no idea if it’s the same hawk almost two years later, but this one is just as beautiful. Sure, they’re horribly nicknamed, common “chicken hawks,” but I don’t care–I am excited to see them. They constantly remind me that there is a world well outside of my own where pigeons are eaten and hawks perch on very tall buildings.

I can’t even remember where I read this recently. Might have been a magazine. Might have been online. And it said that people who get out and into nature are happier and more well-adjusted than their city counterparts. Of this, I wholeheartedly disagree–yes, it’s nice to get out of the city, and I’m looking forward to it this long weekend, but it’s also nice to be in your city. Sidewalks aren’t as delicious as sun decks, that’s perhaps true, but just recognizing there is an outside when you spend much of your day rushing from one task to another and trying to cram all of life into the short, twenty-minute bursts of free time really makes you appreciate the blessed flight of that hawk.

I’m rambling today. Like I do.There’s little to add when you’re not being particularly funny. Or witty. Or insightful. Tomorrow’s another blog post. And Thursday. Thursdays are always better than Wednesdays.


But I have decided that I need a holiday. I need a bit of a break. I am this-close to losing my grasp on just about everything. Having a common cold throws me completely out of whack and I’m back this-close

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