Fall TV Whee!

As the leaves start to change, a collective sigh across the city brings out cloistered sweaters, and ladies everywhere hold on just that one minute longer to open-toed shoes, I celebrate by doing some high kicks in my living room for the start of fall television.

Banished from my ever-flicking fingertips are the terrible reality television and schlocky mid-season dumpers because the real fun is about to begin. Now the challenge remains whether or not a) I’ll be sick of watching television by October or b) the shows all start to suck in their second (or third, forth, etc) seasons.

So I present a special 5 Things I’m Obsessed With These Days post:

1. My Name is Earl. Jason Lee saddles his kids with crazy-ass names, but I heart him, and I’ll watch this show with crossed fingers hoping that it’ll actually be funny instead of just appearing mildly comic in the trailer.

2. The return of the WB shows. Although my love for the WB has definitely waned this year, I’ll still watch Gilmore Girls. And if Luke and Lorelei don’t get married, well, there’s precious little happiness left in this cold, cold world. And I’m only mildly embarrassed to admit that I love What I Like About You. Not so much that I’ll tape it if I’m going out on a Friday night, but I’ll definitely avoid leaving until after the show is over. It’s sad, I know.

3. ER. Now, I know the show has lost some of it’s vigour in its old age, but I’ve seen just about every episode over the last five or so years, and dedication like that just doesn’t come easily to someone as scatterbrained as me, so I’m in it for the long haul.

4. The season-opener of Alias. Hum, what to say, what to say…okay, just a couple of words: car crash, fake identities, pregnancy and J.J. Abrams—it’s a recipe for success (I hope).

5. The Wire. Okay, it doesn’t start until 2006, but every month brings me that much closer to my favourite show coming back on the air.

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