Shut Up!

Seriously, shut up Leah McLaren and your useless column (link via Like bookninja, I too find it hard to make it to the end of your ridiculous “articles.” And, please, if only ALL of the problems in the world were as trivial as the ones you ramble on about week after week, holy solipsism batman.

You know, having just gotten another contract to write an abridged classic, I feel nothing but lucky for my good fortune. Never once do I sit around thinking, “Oh what a burden to have to write this book, oh what a troubled life to have to sit and be a creative person for the majority of the hours I spend toiling away being fantastic, rich and spoiled.” I mean if someone PAID me to write a novel, I’d be pleased as punch, and not to mention the suckers, ahem, like me who once they finish something will have to actually work her ass off to get it published. What reality is she living in, I mean really?

Nothing but ire McLaren, nothing but ire.

2 thoughts on “Shut Up!”

  1. The most puzzling thing was that stupid blondie’s column was supposed to be the Globe’s answer to Sex and the City. As fucking if! Same goes for Rebecca Eckler and her rich girl life. These aren’t people that the average girl can relate to. They have wealth and other advantages that the average latte-loving girl does not. Frankly, who actually gives a fuck that Leah thinks the spring in England is so much more fabulous than spring in the T-dot? If she likes it so much she should go back there. Oh, but I forgot. They hate her there too.

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