Summer Office Hours

The idea of going home from work before 8 or 9 PM before I got fired from The Boss From Hell was almost unheard of. Now, at my new job, I’ve got this wonderful thing called Summer Hours. We work extra during the week and then have Friday afternoon off—all summer long. It’s a blessing.

Today on my totally free Friday afternoon I went and got my hair done (hello summery highlights!), am blogging at a completely reasonable hour, and will be going to see Wedding Crashers, because I’m in love with Vince Vaughn. Have been for years. But now that he’s so cool and not making silly movies with Anne Heche (that I, ahem, paid full price to see IN THE THEATRE), I don’t feel like such a girlie geek going on opening day.

So, sit back, enjoy the sunshine and the wonderful, beautiful, blessed concept of summer hours. What was I thinking staying at that other, awful, horrible place for so long?

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