Star Gazing

At a trade show for work, I stood in line, like the true geek that I am, to meet Kim Cattrall, and to get her autograph. Overall, after years upon years of watching television, Sex and the City remains one of my all-time favourite shows. So when I saw that she was there, wearing a lovely yellow summer dress and these fabulous yellow pumps, I couldn’t be cool and nonchalant—I wanted an autograph.

With absolutely no intention to buy her book, with nothing except awe for absolutely stunning she is in real life, I stood there with the rest of the adoring public for my chance to say hello. She was charming. We complimented her shoes, then she winked at us, and went on signing for the rest of her adoring public. You know, it took all of my self-control to not let my impishness win: all I wanted to do was ask, “So what really happened with you and SJP, and is the SATC movie really on the rocks?” But alas, I didn’t, thanked her kindly for her scribble, and went back to work. Sigh.

Oh, and when I was in line for some cucumber maki, Sook-Yin Lee came up beside me and ordered some sashimi. A pale star gazing moment compared to Sunday’s luminary flash of inspiration of just seeing Kim Cattrall.

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