TRH Updates – Fall Colours

Yesterday we had a busy time of it as I sped through the day high on the first good night’s sleep I’d had in what felt like weeks. (It’s all lost today though as I barely fell asleep before midnight, tossed, turned, and then woke up at 6 AM without a chance of falling back into slumber). I read a book, got some blogging done, did some homework, read part of the book for my next Harlequin assignment, and then we raced up to Bolton for our niece’s second birthday.

And oh my goodness is she ever cute at two, loving being the centre of attention, she played, cajoled, laughed, and squealed, and said the cutest thing, like, ever. Toward the end of the party, she piped up from her caked-covered high chair and said, “I’d like some coffee.”


The leaves are starting to change, and when we came back from the movies last night, there was a definitive chill in the air. The leaves are all changing and falling in piles on the sidewalk, and I’ve almost accepted that summer is truly and definitely over.

That doesn’t mean I won’t miss it, though.

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