
On Thursday night we went to see a preview screening of The Simpsons Movie. As I’m not the biggest Simpsons fan in my household, that honour goes to the RRHB, who was quite excited that we got passes to a preview screening. It was at the CN Tower, which was a very strange place to see a film, but whatever, a free movie is a free movie.

And I don’t want to give too much away, especially about the funny gags and super-sharp writing, but will say this, if you’re any kind of fan, had seen the show at least once, and, well, don’t live under a rock, you’ll laugh. I mean, it’s basically an extended episode with some hijinks that aren’t suitable for prime time thrown in, and it was totally entertaining in all the right ways.

But if I had to be totally, totally honest, I’m pleased we got to see it for free because I’m not 100% sure that I’d pay full-price at the multiplex for it. Not that it matters as we paid just as much to park as we would have for the tickets anyway, so perhaps that’s a moot point.

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