Birth Day

Bittersweet are these days where you technically turn a year older but feel no different. Today is made even more bittersweet by the fact that I’m at work, which I have managed to avoid for five years of birthdays in a row.

Last year we were in NYC, which was amazing, and hot. The year before that I was in Paris and then Ireland, which was life changing, and hot. The year before that I was preparing for hip surgery and on the cusp of a nervous breakdown (silly boss from hell, sillier ragdoll for getting that caught up in the nonsense) but was on holidays and we went to see Spider-Man 2, and it was a wonderful day. Then I spent two weeks up at the cottage, which was amazing (even if I ruined my book club just prior to it. Don’t ask!). The year before that we were in PEI, and the year before that we were in California, which was also life changing and not the least bit hot, much to my surprise.

And so tonight we’re going to see a special screening of the new Simpsons movie, and to celebrate, I’ve created my avatar. The red shoes are an homage to Sam Lamb. While it’s a work day, and I’m not in Paris, or Ireland, or California, or at the cottage or on the east coast, it’s still something out of the ordinary, and by the time you get to be my age, isn’t that all that matters?

10 thoughts on “Birth Day”

  1. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear ragdol, happy birthday to you…and many more!

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