Ragdoll Out

Well, I’ll be away for a week at a work conference starting (very early) tomorrow morning with very limited access to the internet. Bummer. Hopefully I’ll have finally finished Out of Africa by the time I get home. Maybe not.

In lieu of an actual post that has, well, meaning, here are some random thoughts:

1. I will watch any movie that Leonardo DiCaprio stars in. Case in point: we just finished up Blood Diamond. I’ve now seen The Departed three times. I could watch that movie every day and not get sick of it.

2. It’s next to impossible to pack for an in-between season trip that’s all about work. What do you wear? Office clothes? Fun clothes? A combination of both?

3. We did a really cool project at work. We completed a wiki for a book coming out next month called The Raw Shark Texts. Full TRH Books report tk. But check it out when you’re bored at work. It’s been years since I actually felt the thrill of building, the crisp agony of having too much to do and not enough time to do it in, and the heartbeat of your fingers as they type the url over and over and over and over and over again. I’m going to have to pace myself though because the last thing I need is the stress that goes along with a busy job overtaking my life, revving up my system and having the disease holler, “hey! I’m back!”

4. The tailbone? Still hurts.

5. In about three weeks, I’ll be a band widow. Anyone free for a movie? I promise I can go see ones that Leo’s not in…

6. A new column will go up on Experience Toronto while I’m gone. It’s about Toronto as a literary landscape. I think In the Skin of a Lion and Cat’s Eye are my two favourite books set in the city I call home.

7. Sarah Silverman show: brilliant or silly? A combination of both? If it were a fight to the death, I don’t think I could decide.

5 thoughts on “Ragdoll Out”

  1. I’m packing for a trip next week, too. My husband says it looks like I plan to move there permanently.
    (I just might!)
    Sorry about the tailbone still hurting – when sitting is uncomfortable, life is rough.

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