Falling Behind

I have fallen behind in just about everything this fall: my abridgings, my own writing, my reading, and I just don’t know where the time goes. Except I do, kind of, television, working, doing stuff, trips, anything but sitting on my ass and doing the stuff I’m supposed to be doing. But now that it’s getting colder, I’m hoping that things calm down a little.

The other thing I’m missing? My annual sojourn of the band widow. For the first time in about 6 years my RRHB is actually home in the fall. He’s never home in the fall. I’m missing the few weeks I have to myself in this season to regroup, figure myself out and get organized for the winter. Hell, I haven’t made a meal plan all summer. What’s wrong with me? AND, I can’t even blame it on my health, because I truly am feeling much better and far, far less diseased.

2 thoughts on “Falling Behind”

  1. You know what? September just completely and totally sucked. But it’s almost hour. Only a few more hours and then we have a bright, shiny new month in which everything will be better. And if it’s not better there are at least all kinda of snack-sized candy in the grocery store.

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